Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What is God?

God just is and is the isness of the infinite. It is closer than the cells of your body, yet to reach it one has to climb over treacherous mountains. It can be reached by embodying love, light and purity. However, God is also the opposite of all these which is hatred, darkness and impurity. These are all attributes of God. Love and hate are just two different levels of consciousness. God is everything and at the same time nothing. God is life, death and the void. This is the divine paradox. To describe the true essence of God in words is impossible because God transcends the mind. One can read descriptions of God but cannot truly understand what God is until one has an authentic experience of God. Moreover, a direct experience with God is the same as having a direct experience with the pure self or soul. God is deafening silence, the sound of OM and a clamoring calm. It transcends personality and sex although it can be represented as one through various deities. It can be worshipped in a church or on the way to work because God lives in the self and in everything. It is only our mental conditioning, desires and karmas that have veiled this ultra powerful and mind boggling force from us. For centuries, prophets and men of God have claimed that their God is the one and only true God. However, these claims are only half true. Yes there is one God, but all faiths share the same all powerful and omnipresent God. It is of utmost importance to realize that God can be reached through various paths, but it is always the same God because God is everything and everything is God.  

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